Sunday, October 25, 2009

Health Care Debate?

With radicals and liberals now in charge of the US Federal Government the expansion of Government was inevitable. Those who spoke truth to power now acquiesce to it. Where fighting against a conspiracy to abscond with our liberty has now become a headlong rush give it to the Government. I cannot understand where the liberal consistency is in their thought(or lack thereof) process. Instead of coming up with solutions to our myriad problems in the Health Care delivery system in this country the Democrats and their supporters in this only seem able to demonize those who disagree with them. Threats and personal attacks take the place of well informed respectful dialogue.
I have many good ideas on how we can make things better in this "debate". The Republican Party has tried to put forth some ideas as well. We can have a two tier system with the uninsured joining medicare and medicaid, and maybe even pooling all the people who cannot afford group insurance company rates. The Republicans have put forth the idea of being able to purchase the insurance across state lines thereby increasing competition and lowering prices. What about health savings accounts where you get a better rate for using less services. How about a National catastrophic care option and everybody is responsible for everything else themselves? Do we use auto insurance for oil changes? I just think there are so may opportunities to fine tune a good system and scrapping it all to punish insurance companies will only destroy anything that is good. Doctors are threatening to quit the profession if the Government steps in with mandates on pay and where they work and other things counter productive to what they feel is their right to practice Medicine the way they see works best for themselves and their families. I am not one for arguing for health insurance companies, I don't like any insurance companies, but they do perform a service that many are quite happy with. I have a real problem with somebody making profit on the health of anyone else, too. Could the answer be forcing Health Insurance companies to become not for profit? Or creating a whole new not for profit side to that industry? Those questions are reserved for sharper minds than mine. I just know that unintended consequences always crop up when people try to change something that is so large and needed by almost everybody. I think fixing the economy is much more important for the President and Congress right now than tinkering with something that is useful and working well for a majority of American families.
How about Tort reform? Obama and his buddies Pelosi and Reid haven't even contemplated that yet, due to pressure from a main Democrat Party contributor, the Trial Lawyers of AMERICA. There are just too many sacred cows the Liberals are beholden too. So find some deep pockets and make them pay for everyone? Many in this country choose not to carry health insurance many choose othjer ways to spend their money, it is still a free country. If the Government must try and control Health care let them fix and run in a responsible way that health care system they are already entrusted to run. And I repeat and the CBO agrees Medicare and Medicaid will be bankrupt, and in the not too distant future. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
The CBO estimates were put in place in 2007 and tell me what has made any of those programs better in the last 2 years? The recession? The hope and change that now infests the White House?
God help our great country.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The PreMature Exaltation

Our President has been in office for 9 months and received the Nobel Peace Prize. He was in the US Senate for little over half his first term before gaining the Presidency. Both of these accomplishments are usually gained after paying some dues, developing some worldly knowledge, and having a record that stands on its own. I am just astounded by the fawning and by the great expectations heaped upon a man with so little identifiable ability. Nowhere in Obamas known or hidden past is there any reason for anybody to think that he can live up to any of the grandiose pretension laid at his feet by people who want to believe and therefore suppress the very reality that is slapping their faces.
There are so many reasons to be embarrassed by our affirmative action President, and accepting the Nobel peace prize in advance of hoping and changing the world to peace is naive and smacks of another sellout.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Feed that Ego!

The company our President now finds himself in is indeed rarified and select. But not every peace prize winner is someone to look up to ... It seems as if the world events are egging Obama onward to the megolomania he is capable of attaining. I wonder if the Obama team is trying to go the whole 4 years of his Presidency without accomplishing anything concrete and constructive for our Nation? Things as simple as cutting taxes on businesses would jumpstart sputtering business, at least that is always how it happened in the past. But instead we will get nooses and anchors like huge new Government bureaucracies, energy taxes, and a lot of smoke and mirrors to arrange US in the order Obama sees fit.
The industrial war complex still has its power, yet the world is buttering up our President and putting him in a box. How can a "peacemaker" keep ramping up his nations war against existential enemies? He cannot if he expects to ever be the President of the "World", which seems to be the very title he seeks with every new speech and all the ways he is diminishing our Nation in front of the "World". I am starting to think of Obama as a little show pony that can be led around, indeed, one who is willing to be led around, with the cheers and adulation as his greatest reward. It scares me to no end that my family's, and our Country's, and maybe the entire free world, are all just pawns in a game of power and prestige to a narcissistic vainglorious puppet.