Friday, February 25, 2011

Whether Vain

"For the first time in my adult life I am embarrassed for my country"
Turn a phrase on its ear.

The Pot calling the kettle Balack.

A crisis a Day is all we ask.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Here We Go Again

In 2008 America was treated to a spike in oil that preceded the collapse of the economy overall. The political will was there for a moment to get our own oil and leave behind the ridiculous dependence on other countries when we could satisfy our own demands. When the economy tanked the price per barrel worldwide slumped and the price at the pump also went way down. It didn't help a whole lot that gas was affordable again when there was no food or work. We even elected a novice community organizer to the Presidency over that whole fiasco. Ironically, now we are getting close to another election season and Obama's deft handling of Mid East crisis and his desires for wind and solar and benefitting Environmentalists over energy producers has brought US back to 4$ a gallon gasoline,with a fragile economy to boot.
Which way to go?

I have no faith in the American voter or in the media who have a duty to inform and maddeningly only tell one side of the story.

Take Wisconsin for example. The voters chose to try and bring sanity to their budget and debt problems and voted one political party in, a party in favor of reforms. No reporting brings in line what the options are for the future. Only what the union wants now seems to be the angle of the stories on this mess. Only what makes the liberals appear to be reasonable, when in fact their policy direction is really robbing from their children and grandchildren. Where are the stories and the badgering of the Lawmakers who have chosen to run and hide in Illinois so they won't have to face a vote? Where are the stories that would compare those tactics to our President voting present while he was a state legislator?

Just because a deal got made, if it was made in bad faith, like paying unions off for votes, then when that deal is found unsustainable it must be redone, undone. Do these strikers want to sit there with their small fortunes while everything around them crumbles and decays? Mathematics appears to be one subject they don't teach well in Wisconsin. Or logic either.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

There's a New Sheriff in Town

The New Barrack is a lot like 'ole Mubarak, but Musharef could be the one in jail. Algeria and Yemen, Bahrain and Tunisia, Lebanon Gaza and even Saudi Arabia are all sweating it out right now. Its a powder keg and it will be interesting to see if the desire for freedom is more powerful than hatred for others who believe and worship just a little bit different.
I know Obama wants to be President of the world, but all this spinning out of His control has to cause a moment of reflection.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

The Passing of the Olde World Order

With the Middle East in turmoil and a world economy in doldrums its worth remembering that we were promised change, and now our hope may be left to nostalgia and more revolution.
It seems curious and curioser that the big O keeps siding with the wrong players in most every major domestic and international dust up he encounters. Remember Honduras and how Obama wanted to return that commie to his "Presidency"? Now the health care bill is ruled unconstitutional and O presses on, then there was Arizona's immigration bill and the subsequent lawsuit against a State!
When Iran was in a nearly identical situation as Egypt Obama sat silent for days when his support would have made a positive impact to possibly topple a major sponsor of international terrorism. This time he steps in and destabilizes a regime that while not great with human rights issues is a regime that stands between the radical Islamists and one of the most influential Arab countries in the ME.
What we are seeing now is the old line Middle East which was pretty horrible in itself being shaken up and opportunities are now there for the Islamascists to make gains across the board. How much worse could that get?
Turkey was let go, Lebanon was not supported, Tunisia was practically ignored, Morocco and Yemen are ready to rumble and our community organizer in Chief seems like he doesn't have a plan. At least not a plan for the benefit of real American Foreign Policy.
If any plan is being followed at all its that of agitation and upheaval and destruction of alliances that kept a semblance of peace. I know certain events are completely out of everybody's ability to orchestrate now, and if we are not already across that line we will soon know we have. So if the big money players like Soros and all the international socialists want to put this genie back in the bottle before it wishes ill on them why are they making all the mistakes and sowing the seeds of destruction for so many, maybe even themselves?
I believe its more of the methodology of creating the crisis and then coming through with the solution nobody anticipated and nobody wanted, along the lines of the 1979 revolution in Iran.

So is this we are witnessing, "smart diplomacy", or is it a call to arms for the brave foot soldiers of the leftist movement?