Friday, March 21, 2008

So, So, suck your Toe

Vice President Dick Cheney said, "So" when asked about 60% of U.S. Population not thinking the War in Iraq is worth it. I laud Him on the Honesty and succinctness of His reply. The Previous U.S. Administration only Governed by using polls and weather watching. And we saw in Grand Illustrative Fashion that that doesn't work. The media spin the polls and even influence them with biased reporting, and if our Executives chase after the media's storyline the threats out there will have all the cover in the World to fester and multiply. I agree with the War in Iraq, so chalk one up to the 'other' side. We must fight the terrorists all the way to AllaH. When they are reunited with Alla, the Prophet, and fellow Jihadis/Martyrs, the world can become a better place.
I know the kook lefties and their media minions will try to contextualize Cheney's remarks into not caring about US. It is something remarkable, for it is because this Administration cares that they are staking their reputAtions and legacies on the line. If Hillary or Barack were ever able to be President, I doubt they would have the backbone to make any kind of controversial stand. On anything at all, but especially on a matter as grave and ominous as a War against a Radical Ideology. We are not at war with terror, that is a tactic of the enemy. Thats like saying we were at war with bombs in W.W 2 . And that, I believe, is the one most glaring mistake of the Bush administration. They have been completely inept at defining and informing the mostly illiterate (politically, on Middle Eastern issues) American casual observers. More intent are they (college age, younger, the pre-occupied, agnostic/atheistic) to get down at spring break, take profits, Keep up with Joneses, speak 'truth' to power, etc., than create a world that will stay peaceful for all people at all times. Osama bin Laden is fomenting the true War, just listen to the rhetoric coming from Syria and Iran. There will be a knockdown drag out with Islam one day soon. Call it a Crusade, I'm ok with that too. They are pushing their warped TheophiloautocraticPolitical Hatements around the world. We want a Free world, they want the Caliphate. Notice how Caliphate also contains Hate? The Crusades were pushing back an expansion of Islam by the sword, remember?
Polls say America is tired of this War, Yet McCain, the strongest proponent, is ahead of the Defeatocrats. Some like to call it Bush's War, "We wanted it over in 6 weeks", the whiners and crybabies wail. The short attention span of modern people is not prepared to combat an Enemy that has been lying in Wait for hundreds of years. This struggle will end with a Holy War because Islam is in direct contrast to Christianity. One cannot survive while the other lives, not for ever.

P.S. ; And a Good Friday to You!


BlondeBlogger said...

Wow. Amazing post!

What gets me is that when we were deciding to go into this war, the dems had the same information as Bush did, and most of them approved (like Hillary). Now they are backtracking saying that Bush lied (when again...they had the same information he did) and that we never should've gone in. I hate the double standard.

I have seen so many troops that are frustrated that the media does not show THEIR side of the story...the accomplishments and strides they have worked so hard to make.

So amen to the point about the polls! Can you imagine if presidents goverened by what CBS says a majority think? Geez.

By the way, found you via your comment on my daughter's blog (The Brilliant Brunette).

JohnnyT. said...

I found the Brilliant Brunette by looking at favorite movies in profiles and She picked Falling Down. My curiosity was piqued and when I saw her blog i knew this was a kindred spirit. You must be a great Mom to have raised a God Loving, level-headed daughter, the world needs more people with such standards and beliefs, congratulations! Happy Easter, bye, for now.