Monday, September 29, 2008

Have I Got News For You

America is at the crossroads and what I think most on the wings of the left and the right fail to recognize is that we are already a socialist country. The only people who are truly free in this country are the rich and they are getting decimated by market forces right now. Soon only the ultra rich will be rich and the rest of US will be fighting for the crumbs. The lower and middle classes will will morph into a commonality of delusion and exclusion.

Our representatives play politics with every single issue and our country coming up better is not part of any equation. This is no game, there are people who worked hard all their life and their retirement years are on the line. Some don't have the time to wait for things to come back.

I believe we are already socialist because of the layers upon layers of regulations and insurances we must navigate just to be legitimate businesses. And the loopholes are exploited by many, aided by connections and insiders. Just to have a motor vehicle requires such a chunk of the poor people and lower middle class peoples time to keep on the road that they are in servitude just to attempt to access the American Dream. So I don't really see the hard liners on the right reasoning that the line in the sand is here, now. If the Government needs to inject liquidity to save our financial system then we can't wait till this 11th hour to say that we are fighting socialism, when we are already socialistic in just about every other facet of our national experience. Lets all just break everything down and start all over?? It's not really fair at all.

The Liberals are trying to destroy capitalism because they believe that there in a world of a Government controlled economy they will have the ultimate control over all of US and the power they covet will be wielded by like minded micromanagers who tell all citizens what to do and where they can do it. Sometimes I wonder why we conservatives fight this fight because we battle for everything we get here in America, but the lamebrains who don't even try get free health care and benefits that are inaccessible to anyone who wants just a little more out of life than barely getting by. Or having to break the law to get ahead. It is obvious to me that the Liberal Democrat party will only gain the white house if there is economic trouble out there. Now economic crisis or meltdown may not benefit a neophyte like Barack Obama, when more Americans will be attentive and seeking an experienced hand to guide US through these troubled waters. These are perilous times and i know the Bible predicts that such things as this are all foretold as signs that we are in the times near the end. As selfish as thisd may sound I pray to God to hold off and let my children grow up and let me realize some of lifes dreams like love and charity and enjoying a little bit of this life.

Forgive me for being so selfish.

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