Monday, October 06, 2008

Which promise will Barack Have to Scuttle First?

Do you think its the tax breaks for those who pay little or none? Defending Israel? Or how about Univesal Health care? I am certain there will be another need for a peace dividend, but Iraq will obviously need to be nurtured. Afgahanistan I believe is better contained than wading into a bloodbath, likewise Pakistan. How about some of his promises to his own constituents, like reaching across the aisle and becoming a bi-partisan healer of political stagnation. Or being the one to address the racial divide or come to terms with political corruption on both sides of the spectrum. How about our national defense, and weapons systems? Will Obama be able to push his protectionist agenda when it becomes clear we need NAFTA now more than ever? No doubt he will still feel Columbia will be worth supporting in the creeping Communism of South America, oh wait, he would rather find out what hugo Chavez would like to do.

I am nearly certain if even Joe Biden won't give up his guns to Barack, that that will be an easy one to abandon. Obama - like all liberals, has to fake to the center to get elected, and if he talks the centrist talk all his leftist pals will get disappointed. Unless Barack is a liar. And that is where I am leaning. He is just another politician who will say anything to get elected and then do what he would like to do for 2 years and then start working on his re-election. This is a pattern we have seen time and time again, and now that we are at a crossroads all Americans must weigh their hopes and dreams against hard cold reality.

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